Learn basic massage techniques for home use under the guidance of massage therapist Gwendolyn Guarino, LMT.

​During your Couples Massage Workshop, Gwen demonstrates basic Swedish massage techniques on you and your partner. You then practice on each other while she continues to guide and help develop your technique.  Couples are encouraged to communicate freely with each other and to ask questions.  The techniques easily combine to form a routine that can be revisited often and expanded upon with practice.

1.5 hours

2 hours

2.5 hours

Meet Gwen

Gwen Guarino is a New York State Licensed Massage Therapist and the owner of Lux Comfort & Health in Troy, NY. She has been practicing massage full-time since 2004 and teaching the Couples Massage Workshop since 2007. She is dedicated to bringing massage to as many people as possible because she believes that massage is essential to injury prevention, stress reduction and a higher quality of life.  By sharing her knowledge with you in this comfortable environment she intends to demystify the very intuitive and natural practice of massage.

Contact Gwen

Instructional Video

Gwen has created this valuable DVD to bring her teachings home with you to further practice your technique and strengthen bonds as you and your partner share the very intuitive and natural practice of massage

You may purchase a copy of this instructional video from Gwen or on Amazon.

kind words

"Gwen, thanks so much for our session. It was so grounding and peaceful. And profound in the way that learning core truths about the body can be (thinking of knots & how they form).  We're already applying your lessons."

—  Chris and Michelle

"I was thrilled to be able to attend Gwen's couples workshop. She teaches in a way that is easy to learn and to replicate at home without any professional equipment. You won't be disappointed in the techniques Gwen uses or in the care she takes to make sure everyone is comfortable."

—  Samantha and Mike

"Best Birthday present I've ever gotten!"

—  Adrian and Kate


For more information about this workshop or to inquire about our group classes, private tutorials or instructional resources, please contact Gwen.
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Our location
Our salon is in a quaint, easy-to-access neighborhood in historic downtown Troy, NY.
207 River St, Troy, NY 12180
By Appointment


Participating in this class in no way qualifies you to practice massage therapy for money or to begin a course toward licensure.  

Couples Massage Workshop is a Limited Liability Company in New York State and Gwendolyn Guarino is licensed in New York State and in Texas and carries insurance in her personal massage practice but claims nothing beyond that.

Participating in a Couples Massage Workshop gives you no anatomical knowledge and should never be used to perform deep massage.  It is also a completely platonic environment.

Couples Massage Workshop, the video, is Copyright protected.  Do not attempt to duplicate or distribute this video or hold a large-scale viewing without the written permission of Gwendolyn Guarino.